# A Semester-Wise Reflection
Reflections from 1st Semester to 6th Semester
1st Semester: New Beginnings
The start of my college journey was filled with excitement and learning. I embraced the challenges and made meaningful connections with peers and mentors. 1st Semester: (Physics, Maths, Environmental Science, Electricity, PPS) Some of the subjects were something I had heard of and some I knew, so I understood them. I completed C language very well in college. Looking at all the subjects of the first year and the first semester, it seemed that everything was easy, I would get through, but it was not so in reality. No matter how well I knew PPS, I never got 10/10. No matter what I did, I would always make mistakes somewhere. My biggest weak point during college exams was running out of time, which used to happen often. And because of this, I used to get low marks. And the basics of my other subjects were so shaky that if an average student can pass the exam by studying 55%, instead I had to study the same subject up to 95% and sometimes had to cram it day and night. Actually, in the first semester, the subjects were a little familiar, due to which it was a little easier to study them. Due to which I never used to fail in tests and exams. Somehow I gave the board exams of the first semester, which went well according to me, but until the result comes, I feel a little scared. In the end, somehow I got into section A in the second semester. Anyway, all those who want to take technical training and can come at 5 in the morning can come in section A. I got my name registered in section A. Everything was going well in the beginning, but now I realize that the condition of my academic subjects had become very bad and was getting worse. Meanwhile, my sessionals are also coming, let's see what happens to me. I thought everything would be done by performing average, but no, this is not good for me. My own friends seemed to be judging me that my marks are very low. And what I did with a friend in 12th, I felt a similar situation coming my way, but I am trying my 100% not to get into that situation. Let's see what happens in my second semester.
2nd Semester: Adapting and Growing
My 2nd semester started and challenges My 2nd semester started on 10th April 2023 and it is getting difficult to survive with my academic subjects (Math 2, FME, Electronics, Chemistry and Soft Skills) in this semester. Except for Soft Skills, all other subjects are giving me a headache. In this semester I am not able to perform well in the beginning, as my basic concepts are weak. But I am trying somehow. So far 1st sessional has passed and luckily I did not fail in any subject, but did not get good marks either. My goal in the 2nd semester was that I would start studying only 2-3 weeks before the exam, prepare for coding along with regular classes. But Saturday completely ruined my dream. I have to study every week and if I don't study, my marks are low. And it is a bit difficult to survive in section A with low marks, as people were judging me. I feel really bad, so I wanted to perform in Saturday's test, but still I was not able to do it, because these things were not in my mind. My marks in sessional 1 were average as usual. Sessional 2 is going on, whose marks are not known yet. And the funny thing is that I was giving the worst performance ever in sessional, because before my exams started, my semester date came, which was in the last week of July. And during the exams, my PUT date sheet also came. This is really great, because this was the thing that was not letting me study at all. This was some of my formal discussion, but in my heart... I was still dreaming big. In the meantime, Code-a-thon was organized in my college, for which I also had put in some hard work and dreams (expectations). I came on top, or in the top 3 positions, but nothing like that happened. Forget about top 3, I did not even make it to top 10. I was ranked in top 50, which was a very sad moment for me. No one else may have suffered like this, but I was the one who was broken from inside. All the inspiration was gone. But overall I learned a lot from my mistakes, which will help me in future hackathons. I want a break moment in life, in which it is just me and my technical preparation, but I don't like situations that give me such free time.
3rd Semester: Discovering My Passion
10th October, it was the start date of my 3rd semester, which was really exciting as I was going to be a senior at Lloyd. But actually it was not as exciting as I thought. I had planned my hopes that I will achieve a lot from the 2nd year itself, but my plan never got fulfilled, which will now be fulfilled. Ha ha ha. I thought that my skills will be perfect from the start of the 2nd year itself, but it did not happen as I thought. My subjects in this semester were (Math 4, COA, DSTL, Data Structures, TC, Cyber Security). This semester was also a promising one for me, in which I thought that I will do well just by working a little bit at the last moment. But it did not happen at all. This semester proved to be so bad for me that it was my first ever back (fail in a subject). And I could not believe my eyes when I opened my result in my room. I got my back in a subject called Technical Communication, which was considered by all students as a passing and scoring subject, but something completely wrong happened to me, which was totally unexpected. ☹ And this is how another useless semester ended, and it was my sole responsibility to make it a bad ending.
4th Semester: Diving Deeper
My fourth semester focused on building projects and enhancing my skills in advanced technologies, shaping my career aspirations.
5th Semester: Embracing Challenges
In my fifth semester, I tackled challenges head-on, took part in competitive programming, and started to prepare for my future endeavors.
6th Semester: New Beginnings
The start of my college journey was filled with excitement and learning. I embraced the challenges and made meaningful connections with peers and mentors.
Wow,, nice